5 Myths You Should Stop Believing About Astrology: The Truth Revealed


My astrologer recently sat down with me to debunk five myths about astrology that you should stop believing. To know the truth about this age-old practice and how it can benefit your life today, you must know the facts regarding the same. Here are five myths you should stop believing about astrology.

Astrology Is Not Based On Science

The astrologers don’t admit they’re doing science when they read your chart and tell you about the future. They believe they’re “reading the signs” or “reading the stars”. The science behind astrology is called astronomy. Astrology relies on old data from thousands of years ago. The same data is used in astrology apps which are popular these days. The claims of astrologers are purely based on feelings and intuition.

Astrology Cannot Predict The Future.

Astrology does not predict the future. It’s a map or record of your life up to this point. It’s a journey that begins with your natal chart. It’s created at the moment of birth. Using the natal chart, astrologers can predict future trends or events based on the birth date. The natal chart’s sun, moon, and other planetary placements represent your strengths and weaknesses.

The Plantes And Stars Don’t Control Your Density.

The idea that the stars control our destiny is vague. It’s not a part of astrology. It is one of the many myths about astrology that has been attached to it over the years. The word astrology comes from the Latin words Astra and logos. Astra means “stars”, and logos means “word”. The word “logos” is where we get the word “logic” or “reason”.

Astrology is the study of the stars and planets. The stars don’t control your destiny. You have the power to make the most of your life and reach your full potential. You have the power to steer away from the tragedies and challenges that the stars and planets may bring.

There Is No Evidence To Support The Claims Made By Astrologers.

No controlled studies prove that astrology works. Astrologers and astrology apps believe in and focus on an intuitive approach. To learn about celestial bodies and their influences on our lives, astrologers go by their old-age practices. It’s a craft passed down through generations of astrologers. It’s a craft evolving with discoveries in astronomy and new ideas about our place in the universe.

An astrologer’s task is to give accurate information about the sky at different times. There are no proven scientific methods that astrologers use in their practice. This is the reason why it becomes hard to believe in astrology.

Astrology Is Not Compatible With Most Of The Religions.

Many people believe that astrology is not compatible with many religions. They believe that it’s a tool of the devil or that it leads people away from God. The truth is that astrology is meant to be a tool of God and not the devil. It’s meant to help people understand their journey and their purpose in this world. Astrology is a way to understand and learn more about yourself and your world. I

It is a way to see patterns in the celestial bodies and their impact on us here. It’s a way to understand your strengths and weaknesses. It’s a way to see where you excel and where you need to improve.


While astrology is an ancient practice and has been around for thousands of years, that doesn’t mean that it does not apply to our world today. Many people find that astrology helps them gain new insights into their life and the world around them. It can help us better understand our strengths and weaknesses and see areas where we can improve.

It can help us better understand the events that have happened in our lives and why they happened. Astrology doesn’t work for everyone. It doesn’t work for everybody. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work at all. It’s simply another way to learn more about yourself and your world. It’s another way to see the patterns in the universe and the impact that the celestial bodies have on us.
