The ultimate guide on SCIP database and much more


SCIP database has details about harmful chemicals that are present in day-to-day products across Europe. SCIP stands for ‘Substances of Concern In Products’. As of 5th January 2021, all businesses have to fulfill REACH SCIP guidelines. You can continue reading to know more about it. 

REACH and SCIP, what’s the difference?

REACH and SCIP, what’s the difference?

REACH is a European regulation on chemicals that are hazardous for human health and the environment. It has been in force since 2007, whereas SCIP is a database containing detailed information about outsource contact centre these chemicals.

Certain chemicals that have harmful effects are collectively called SVHC. It stands for Substance of Very High Concern. When SVHC chemicals are present in a substance – exceeding the upper threshold limit of 0.1 percent – there is a mandatory requirement for SCIP data entry.

What is the purpose of the SCIP database?

By providing transparent information about the harmful substances in the SCIP database, consumers will become more aware and informed. 

These REACH regulations and SCIP databases are also in sync with the move towards a circular economy by the European Union. 

How to list SVHC information in the SCIP database?

Manufacturers and suppliers are required to provide detailed information about the chemical contents in the products that exceed the SVHC threshold. 

Information in the database includes the name of the substance, category of articles, European Article Number, etc. 

The REACH SCIP database gets updated every six months. So, you have to keep track of current guidelines to know the requirements. 

There are companies like Enviropass that help with the SCIP reporting process. 

  • The experts at such firms will collect information from suppliers about the contents of the products you sell and ensure the REACH regulations are followed. 
  • They also help with any other related requirements regarding REACH and SCIP. 

If you are worried about choosing a consulting firm to handle your SCIP needs, you can opt for a free first-time consulting session.

After getting an idea about the process, you can either proceed to move on your own or get further assistance to deal with the procedure.

Final Takeaways 

With climate change apprehensions becoming a reality, all of us have to ensure that there is a sustainable future. 

The REACH regulations and SCIP database requirements are futuristic steps towards sustainability and a circular economy. 

As a business owner, you have to ensure that you are maintaining all compliance requirements. If you cannot handle it on your own, you can seek expert help to deal with it.
