Leadership Development Coaching 101: Attributes, Outcomes, And Cost


Are you considering investing in leadership development coaching for yourself or your team? If so, this article will provide you with the attributes, outcomes, and cost of leadership coaching. Read on to learn more. Posted in Leadership Development Coaching

Results of a leadership development coaching intervention

We conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of a leadership development coaching intervention in improving the skills of middle managers and executives. Participants were assessed on their coaching-based leadership skills, work engagement, and PsyCap scores. The final individual session included open-ended questions that allowed participants to share their insights. Overall, our results showed significant improvements in the participants’ leadership skills, compared to baseline and the waiting-list control group.

The program participants described it as a powerful experience. They worked together throughout the week, engaged in teamwork activities, and were given real-time feedback on their behavior. Participants also formulated an action plan to apply their newfound skills and knowledge back to their organizations. Participants also showed a significant improvement in their pre-training attitudes. The study concluded that coaching significantly improved their leadership skills. The findings of this study have implications for organizational effectiveness.


The attribute of wonder is a key quality of top-performing leadership development coaches. This quality is evident in their curiosity about people, their stories, and their future. If this characteristic describes you, leadership development coaching may be the next step for you. If you’re interested in coaching, download our free guide on reimagining your life after you’ve run your own business. It will give you some practical advice on how to make the transition from being an owner or CEO to a coach.

Another attribute of leadership development coaching is patience. A true leader must be patient. A significant transformation requires time and patience. Leadership development coaches know that it can take years for an individual to grow. Nonetheless, they know that the rewards will be worth the effort. And they acknowledge that it takes a long time for a significant change to occur. They also know that a true leader is not a guru overnight, but needs a coach who will be patient and open-minded about the process.


Leadership development coaching improves the skills of managers in four ways. First, participants self-report their leadership skills and work engagement. Second, they are assessed by their peers, and third, supervisors and employees rate their performance. In order to eliminate common methods of bias, the last individual session includes open questions for the participants. Finally, they are evaluated on their effectiveness in the role. In all cases, participants will be judged for their improvement in one or more areas, such as the quality of their communication.

Leaders who set realistic expectations for themselves and their teams have lower stress levels. In addition, team members are more likely to work towards achieving shared goals and success. Finally, coaching participants can improve their communication and conflict management skills. Results of leadership development coaching are highly variable. A small sample of the entire study is included, as are the actual costs of the intervention. But even a small sample size can yield significant results. By following the advice of a reputable coach, leaders can improve their communication skills and boost their organizational effectiveness.


The cost of leadership development coaching varies. A high-quality coach can charge anywhere from $150 to $650 per hour. At the lower end of the spectrum, the cost of a leadership development coach will likely be less, as they may have limited experience or specialize in coaching new leaders. Alternatively, nonprofit organizations can expect lower rates, since these organizations often provide free leadership development coaching to their employees. You may even find a coach who offers these services on a pro bono basis.

The ROI of leadership development coaching is hard to quantify, and it is essential to assess the cost against the benefits. While many companies view mentoring programs as an affordable way to develop capability, these programs often fail, due to a lack of proper infrastructure. This can negatively impact future leadership development initiatives. However, a well-designed leadership training program will pay for itself in the long run. To put the cost into perspective, let’s look at a case study.

