Love Handles CoolSculpting: Learn What To Expect


One of the main reasons why people consider getting a CoolSculpting treatment is love handles. If you don’t know it already, the term love handles refer to the areas of fat around the hips and the sides of your waist. Sometimes the fat in this area gathers up and causes an unpleasant appearance. Studies show that more than 70% of people are concerned about the fat around their waist. Luckily, CoolSculpting treatments can help you overcome this situation. If you’re interested in how CoolSculpting can help with your love handles, read this. By the end of the article, you’ll know what to expect.

How do love handles appear in your life?

Before we discuss what to expect from a CoolSculpting session, it’s best to clarify how love handles develop. Usually, these appear when someone puts on excess weight. But it can be influenced by stress, diet, sleep deprivation, and many medical conditions.

It is worth mentioning that genetics plays a major role in your predisposition to developing love handles. Remember that after a CoolSculpting treatment for love handles, you’ll need to follow a healthy lifestyle to achieve long-term results.

What to expect from using CoolSculpting for love handles?

CoolSculpting is a safe, non-invasive procedure that helps with diminishing the fat in your love handles. It freezes away fat, and it is a popular treatment solution for both men and women. The treatment cools the area and destroys fat cells. After that, the fat cells are naturally eliminated by the body, and you will observe a significant improvement in the treatment area.

You don’t need to be concerned about the fat cells returning. CoolSculpting doesn’t have an expiration date, but you need to follow a healthy lifestyle routine. New fat cells can be deposited anywhere in your body if you gain weight.

Why is CoolSculpting the best approach for love handles?

If you’re debating with yourself whether to choose CoolSculpting or liposuction, you should know this. Liposuction is a highly invasive procedure that can lead to many post-treatment side effects, including bruising and pain. CoolSculpting is almost pain-free and doesn’t use invasive techniques to diminish fat. This non-surgical treatment can help you get back to your daily routine without any interruptions.

Results from CoolSculpting usually show up between two to six months, depending on your body and metabolism. Sometimes you might need an additional session of CoolSculpting for love handles. But this is an aspect only your practitioner will decide.

The bottom line

As you can see, you don’t have to struggle with your love handles your whole life. A CoolSculpting session can help you get rid of stubborn fat and restore the beautiful appearance of your body. Make sure you discuss with your technician the before and after steps you need to follow.
