A Single Comprehensive Software Takes Care Of Your E-Commerce Business


E-commerce is the business of selling products over the worldwide internet network. Geographical boundaries do not limit the expansion opportunity of an e-commerce business. A seller could sell to a buyer on the other end of the globe through e-commerce. The global e-commerce industry is valued at around 3 trillion US Dollars. Even hardcore and traditional brick-and-mortar businesses have taken their products online in the past year.

It Is Essential To Minimize Mistakes In The Competitive E-Commerce Industry.

There are millions of sellers and many platforms for the e-commerce industry. New players and new products are entering the market every day. It is also true that while 70 percent of the people are finding success, about 30 percent are exiting the market due to losses. The market is very competitive, and you must focus on customer satisfaction and minimizing shipping and handling-related mistakes. These mistakes cause customer dissatisfaction and a loss of brand equity for the business.

How Can You Make Your E-Commerce Business An Error-Free One?

According to research, mistakes in the e-commerce business are primarily due to human errors. A comprehensive all-in-one e-commerce management system that includes label and receipt printing can be the perfect solution. It should be equipped with the capability to generate a valid label print program (โปรแกรม ทำ ใบ ปะ หน้า, which is the term in Thai)

  • This comprehensive software can store all your customer-related information in one single database.
  • Once an order is secured, you can print the labels to be put on the package to be delivered to the customer. These printed labels give the business a professional look.
  • These labels include the sender’s name, a buyer’s destination address, name, and other details, etc.
  • Your label printing system should be compatible with various in-line connected and offline printers and papers.
  • It is a plus if the label printers can print cover sheets, labels, etc., from the database directly to sticker paper which can be pasted to the parcel to be delivered to the buyer.

The Menu Of The Software Should Be Easy To Use.

The software system for printing labels and tax invoices should be easy and complicated. More importantly, a copy from the same source can be circulated to all departments like the packaging department, sales department, accounts department, etc., reducing the chances of mistakes through human error.

A receipt or tax invoice printing system is also necessary for the e-commerce process. A tax receipt is essential evidence of authenticity and should be free of error. The competitive nature of the modern e-commerce industry demands that labels, tax invoices, receipt form ( แบบ ฟอร์ม ใบเสร็จ รับ เงิน,  term in Thai), etc. should be created from the same database and should be error-free. A proper tax receipt is also legitimate proof that the seller has proper documentation and that they are running a government-approved business. Proper documentation and error-free delivery systems go a long way in winning customers’ trust in this very competitive industry. The e-commerce software they choose should be able to promote the unity of direction by collating all data and touch points in one single database.

Getting your e-commerce business in order is a worthy investment. According to research, it has been predicted that over 90 percent of all purchases made from 2040 onwards will be made online.
