Bad Breath in Children: Causes


Bad breath (halitosis) can be embarrassing for both kids and parents. Bad breath is largely seen as an adult concern, but it’s something that happens among kids and can develop for several different reasons. At Plainville family dental care, recognizing those causes and learning how to combat them properly is essential in ensuring a child’s oral health, as well as their general welfare.

Common Causes of Bad Breath in Kids

Poor Oral Hygiene:

Insufficient oral care is one of the most common reasons for bad breath in kids. The leftover food particles in the mouth when children are not taking their brushing and flossing routine seriously will be eaten by bacteria. The by-products of these bacteria are sulfur compounds, which can make your breath stink!

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia):

Saliva is vital as it rinses away food particles and eliminates the acids that bacteria in our mouths produce. Without enough saliva to constantly wash away bacteria, a dry mouth can come with an odor.

Other conditions of the mouth, nose, or throat:

Various infections or underlying conditions that occur anywhere in the mouth, nose, or throat can also cause bad breath. Tonsilitis, sinus infections, postnasal drip, and mouth ulcers are some of the other symptoms observed. The presence of the bacteria in those areas causes an unpleasant smell.

Foreign Objects:

At times, young children will put things in their noses like peas or other small toys. It is from objects like balloons and other small pieces that come off of toys and get caught so those things can set up home there and become infected which makes it smell.

Medical Conditions:

Less commonly, medical conditions like gastrointestinal reflux (GERD), diabetes, or even liver and kidney-related problems can cause bad breath in children.

Bad breath in children can be an unpleasant problem but may generally resolved. It depends on how well parents follow preventive measures at home, such as regular brushing and adequate hydration. Once we understand what causes many of the common issues, it’s easier to implement simple solutions so that our kids can have fresh breaths as well as maintain their overall oral health. Adopting good habits early on will not only help to avoid bad breath but will also lay down the foundation for maintaining a healthy mouth throughout their lifetime.

If there is a problem that you have been worrying about, you cannot bear the pain and something more serious is occurring; then keep in regular communication with your professionals here.
