What is a Police Challenge Coin and How to Use It?


Challenge coins are an honour passed on to the honouree through a special ritual. They are designated rewards for an exceptional service. The coin is handed over through a swift handshake.

There are several stories of how the concept of challenge coins was initiated. Some historians believe the Roman army used them, some say an escapee of the French WWII proved his identity by displaying a challenge coin and proving he is not a German spy.

Traditionally, challenge coins were reserved for military purposes but today they have been extended to be used in law enforcement, community events, and several other professions.

Challenge coins can be customized according to the demands. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be made out of different material; gold and silver being the prominent ones. Responders pro police challenge coins create the precise coins as desired by you.

How to use challenge coins?

Being presented with a challenge coin is a great sense of honour and is highly respectable. It gives recognition to your hard work and efforts. It also acts as integration and serves as a sense of identification with the rest of your comrades.

Coin check or police challenge coins is a very popular usage of challenge coins. After a challenge is put forth, by dropping or loudly placing the coin on the table; every person has to produce their coin. Ones failing to do so are obliged to get a round of drinks for the rest.  There are, however, certain rules one needs to adhere to when participating in it.

1] Participate only if you possess a coin.

2] Explain the rules and regulations to the team. If you are being a part of someone else’ challenge make sure you get well acquainted with the rules as well.

3] Carry your coin and display it to the team.

4] Keep in mind challenges can be called for any moment, therefore stay aware.

5] Let the challenger express the terms, listen carefully and grasp them well.

6] Do not pass your coin to someone else.

7] Avoid damaging your coin

Challenge coins are esteemed. They foster a sense of belongingness, unity, and acknowledge your extensive efforts. Through everything mentioned above and having a fair idea about how the coins work, you can create the most impeccable one. Ponder upon the design and come up with something unique.
